Convertible Destination Currency Before you travel abroad,pick-up the currency of that country from our office. This assures you of a peaceful journey without any worry of exchange rate fluctuations or looking out for money changers while traveling.
Travelers Cheques One of the safest and most convenient ways to carry money while traveling abroad. Available in all major currencies, they are accepted worldwide and can be converted to the local currency at any bank or foreign exchange location. We also assist you in handling refund of lost and stolen Travelers cheques.
Travel Currency Card We have tied up with Axis Bank to provide with the future of travel spending convenience. You can use this Card in any ATM across the world, besides using it as a Debit Card for any expenses! It cannot get easier than this as you can top-up your Card as and when you require, in a desired currency, by paying in Indian Rupees.
Advantages of carrying Prepaid Forex Travel Card is as follows:
Send money anywhere within India using our Paymart domestic Money Transfer facility.
We also facilitate outward remittance for students overseas education, tour cost remittances, family maintenance & gifts remittance through referral arrangements with reputed banks.